Project Img
São Paulo - SP
Delivered in 2022
66.637,80 m²

With a design inspired by nature and a project that favors efficiency, Luna Corporate will be the first venture in Brazil to combine the LEED Zero Energy, LEED Zero Carbon and Fitwel seals, confirming its strong commitment to sustainability and to society.


Integrating the new with the traditional, the most modern office complex in the southern region of São Paulo, LUNA, was designed by the renowned architectural firm KPF (Kohn Pedersen Fox), had its project tropicalized by KOM and is being built by BN. The modern corporate building will consist of two fully integrated towers, one already existing and the new tower, called LUNA NOVA. The project is a Triple A seeking the highest level of certification in sustainability and well-being, and will have 66,637.80 thousand m² of built area, in addition to the retrofit of the existing tower.


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Project Img
São Paulo, SP
Project Img
Rio de Janeiro, RJ