Project Img
Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Completed in 2011
14.000,00 m²

The Rio Branco 115 building underwent an important revitalization and is now considered an architectural icon of Rio de Janeiro. Its retrofit included an important modernization of buildings, security, elevators and also of its façade, and earned BN the 2011 Master Real Estate Award in the Commercial - Retrofit category.

Project Differences

  • Complete retrofit, including building systems
  • Elevators with early call
  • New lobby and reception
  • Floors with modular floors and ceilings
  • Electronic access control with turnstiles
  • Control, monitoring and security center
  • CCTV system
  • Fire prevention and fighting system on every floor with sprinklers, smoke detectors and hydrants
  • Power generator
  • VRF air conditioner
  • Complete telephone and fiber optic system


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Project Img
São Paulo, SP
Project Img
São Paulo, SP